Our Own Videos
For the duration of the project, we've documented as much as possible on a handicam. We've relied on YouTube to compile and share the video, with great success. We've been amazed at the feedback - not to mention the viewership - we've enjoyed.
The following videos show the evolution of PTB and share the stories of the homeless we have been trying to help. For the entire list of videos, visit the Pimp This Bum Youtube Channel.
- PTB Helps Homeless during Cold 3
- PTB Helps Homeless during Cold 2
- PTB Helps Homeless during Cold 1
- Pimp This Bum - The Story of Tim Edwards
- Tim Edwards rides a horse!
- Tim's 38th Birthday Party, Sunray
- Tim Dances!
- Tim's Shave
- HPD kicks us off
- Meet Trent - Pimp This Bum
- Meet John - PimpThisBum.com
- Meet & Greet with Tim Edwards
- Bobby Bryant - Pimp This Bum
- Tim's Helicopter
- Officer's Star
- Feb 19th Webcam Part 1
- Feb 19th Webcam 2
- Feb 19th Webcam Part 3
- Tim, Bobby, and Country
- Tim Reunites With an Old Friend
- Houston Homeless, Pimp This Bum 2
- Houston Homeless, Pimp This Bum Part 1
- Jokeoftheweek 0001